Frequently Asked Questions
Why isn't Aniyomi on the Google Play Store?
Aniyomi won't be on the Google Play Store.
APK-based extensions conflict with Google Play's content policy. Google might take down the app due to certain content, which the developers wishes to avoid.
Is Aniyomi available for iOS/iPadOS?
There is no iOS or iPadOS version and neither are there plans for one. Porting is difficult due to the separate codebases of iOS and Android apps.
Any app proclaiming to be "Aniyomi for iOS" is not by us and should be treated as a scam.
What is Aniyomi Preview?
Aniyomi Preview is a regularly updated beta version of the app. It showcases potential upcoming features, but it's more prone to bugs and crashes.
While it's ideal for users seeking the latest Aniyomi experience, it's essential to keep auto-backup enabled to prevent library loss due to issues.
Can I read light novels?
Aniyomi (and Tachiyomi) can't read light novels; it's an image parser, not a text parser.
What's a fork?
Forks are alternate Aniyomi versions with distinct features. Get more details here.