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Player settings

This section relates to the watching experience in the app and navigating the player.


At what point to mark the episode as seen 85%

This setting let's you configure after watching how much percentage of episode should it be automatically marked as seen.

70% - 100% (5% increments)

  • This option will mark the episode as seen after you watched the first 70% - 100% of the episode.

Preserve watch position on seen episodes On

This option will preserve the watch position on episodes even after it's marked as seen.

Internal player

Show content in display cutout On

This option toggles the margin to the left side of player so that phones with notches won't obstruct the player UI.

Display cutout turned on
Display cutout turned on

Show player controls when opening the player On

This option toggles the visibility of player controls while the player is opening.

Advanced player settings

Allows for more advanced configuration regarding MPV

Edit MPV configuration file None

Aniyomi employs the mpv-android player, offering the ability to extensively configure its settings via a dedicated configuration file. With this feature, you can conveniently edit the configuration file directly within the app. For further details about the configuration file, refer to mpv's documentation.

Edit MPV input file None

Aniyomi can also use some of mpv's keybinds, which can be configured here. For further details about the input file, refer to mpv's documentation.

Debanding Disabled

Depending on the Phone model, mpv can sometimes be unable to play videos with certain codecs (mostly h.264 10bit) and will show black screen instead. Use one of these options if you've faced this issue.

  • Disabled - No debanding, Video will be played as it is.
  • CPU - Uses the CPU to deband. also has the side effect of converting video to 8bit color. This is the slowest option but works on most devices.
  • GPU - Uses hardware acceleration for debanding. Faster option but may not be compatible with all devices.
  • YUV420P - Transforms the video into the YUV420P format, providing optimal speed and compatibility. Also has the side effect of turning the video into 8bit color.

Volume and brightness

Enable volume and brightness gestures On

This option toggles the volume and brightness gestures, allowing you to control the volume and brightness of the video by swiping up or down on the right or left side of the player.

Remember last used brightness Off

This option toggles the ability to remember the last used brightness level.

Remember last used volume Off

This option toggles the ability to remember the last used volume level.


Default orientation Free

This option lets you choose the default orientation of the player.

  • Free - The player will rotate Depending on orientation of the device.
  • Portrait - The player will always be in portrait mode.
  • Reverse Portrait - The player will always be in reverse portrait mode.
  • Landscape - The player will always be in landscape mode.
  • Reverse Landscape - The player will always be in reverse landscape mode.
  • Sensor Portrait - The player will rotate between portrait and reverse portrait mode depending on the orientation of the device.
  • Sensor Landscape - The player will rotate between landscape and reverse landscape mode depending on the orientation of the device.

Adjust the orientation based on the video's dimensions On

This feature ensures that the player's orientation is synchronized with the video's orientation. If the video's aspect ratio is greater than 1, the player will adopt landscape mode. Conversely, if the video's aspect ratio is less than 1, the player will switch to portrait mode. This simplifies the alignment between the player and the video's dimensions.

Default portrait/landscape orientation Sensor

This option lets you choose the default orientation of the player.

  • Default Portrait
    • Portrait - The player will always be in portrait mode.
    • Reverse Portrait - The player will always be in reverse portrait mode.
    • Sensor Portrait - The player will rotate between portrait and reverse portrait mode depending on the orientation of the device.
  • Default Landscape
    • Landscape - The player will always be in landscape mode.
    • Reverse Landscape - The player will always be in reverse landscape mode.
    • Sensor Landscape - The player will rotate between landscape and reverse landscape mode depending on the orientation of the device.


Enable horizontal seek gesture On

This option toggles the horizontal seek gesture, allowing you to seek the video by swiping left or right on the player.

Default skip intro length 85s

1s to 255s (1s increments)

  • This setting allows you to skip the episode's intro by the chosen duration when you press the button in the player.

Double tap to skip length 10s

Double tapping on left or right portion of the player will skip video forward or backward respectively by selected time.

Disabled - 30s

  • Selecting "Disabled" will deactivate the double tap to skip functionality, replacing it with a double tap to pause/play.
  • Choosing any other time value will result in skipping the episode forward or backward based on the selected duration.

Enable precise seeking Off

When enabled, seeking will not focus on keyframes leading to slower but more precise seeking. this may have a negative impact on performance.

Seek chapters with media controls Off

When enabled, using next/previous on your media device will go the next/previous chapter, respectively. If the video does not have any chapters, using next will invoke the skip intro button and using previous will do nothing.

Enable AniSkip Off

Aniskip is a functionality designed to automatically skip the intros and endings segments of an episode. To use this feature, the anime entry must be tracked through AniList or MyAnimeList.

Enable auto skip Off

When enabled, any intros and endigs will be automatically skipped.

Enable Netflix style Off

When enabled and an intro or ending is reached, a toast will display showing the time left before it's skipped during which time the user can choose not to skip.

Button timeout 5s

The time taken before an intro or ending is skipped when Netflix style is enabled.

Picture-In-Picture (PiP)

Enable Picture-In-Picture On

This option toggles the Picture-In-Picture mode, allowing you to watch the video in a floating window while using other apps.

Show episode toasts when switching episodes in PiP On

This option toggles the episode toasts that appear whenever a new episode starts playing while in PiP.

Automatically enter PiP when exiting the player Off

This option toggles the automatic entry into PiP mode when exiting the player.

External player

Always use external player Off

For those people who want to use external players like MX Player, VLC or MPV as a default player can toggle this option on.

External player preference None

Shows you a list of players currently installed on your phone which are supported by Aniyomi as an external player and lets you select your preferred one.


  • If the 'None' option is selected then Aniyomi will present you with all the supported external players available on your phone when you tap on an episode to play it.


Below 'None' are all of the external players available on your phone that will be displayed and selecting one of them will make it the default for Aniyomi.

Current supported external players